
Monday, November 21, 2022

Birdhouse Colors That Attract Birds: Scientifically Tested

Are you thinking about painting your birdhouse to attract more birds? Some colors are more attractive than others. I’ll share research that scientifically proves the best colors to choose while painting your bird nesting box.

Winners of the Young Scientist Award determined that birds are attracted to high-energy wavelength colors including green, purple, and blue. A Royal Society for the Protection of Birds study showed that the birds consider blue the most popular during the summer. Goldfinches prefer the color green. 

As you learn in greater detail below, some birds are attracted to other callers but they mainly prefer the high-energy colors mentioned above.

We’ll cover the following topics below:

  • Painted birdhouse color guide
  • Birds attracted to painted birdhouses
  • Colorful bird feeders that attract birds
  • Birdhouse color FAQ
  • and more

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about birdhouse colors that attract birds.

colorful birdhouses stacked in a pyramid shape

Painted Birdhouses: A Color Guide For Attracting Birds

Backyard bird watchers attempt to do everything in their power to attract birds to their nesting boxes, bird feeders, and other attractions. In this particular case, it’s important to know the best colors to choose when sprucing up your painted birdhouse.

Are certain yard decorations keeping your favorite birds away? Is your attractive garden failing to bring birds to your backyard because your birdhouse and bird feeders are of the wrong colors? Is it safe to actually paint the birdhouse in the first place?

Today, I’m going to answer these important questions and more. Not only will I reveal the favorite colors of birds, but I’ll also tell you which birds are attracted to specific colors in general. This will help you choose the ideal color to paint your birdhouse to attract your favorite bluebirds, robins, sparrows, chickadees, nuthatches, and more.

On the other hand, you do not want to attract predators. So, I’ll also tell you which colors to avoid to prevent attracting unwanted guests or predators to your backyard.

Can You Put Bird Seed In A Birdhouse?

Have You Ever Wondered Whether Or Not It’s Safe To Leave Bird Seeds In A Birdhouse? We Did Some Research To Find Out. Click The Button Below If You Want To Find Out Too!

Top Colors to Choose When Painting a Birdhouse

Recently, Young up-and-coming scientists have discovered that most birds are attracted to certain high-energy colors. In fact, according to, “… Two young, future scientists believe that birds prefer colors in the high energy wavelengths – blue, purple, and green. Red and yellow, low energy wavelengths colors, they believed, were less popular because they are warning colors in nature.”

Even though there have been a few different studies to help determine the perfect colors to paint birdhouses based on attraction, none of these studies actually came to a general unanimous conclusion. But overall, based on information that I’ve gathered all throughout the web, the most popular colors seem to be the high energy wavelengths including green, purple, and blue, as opposed to bright colors. I’ve shared a table below showing which backyard birds are attracted to which colors.

Predator Protection: Painting Birdhouses the Best Colors to Keep Them Safe and Protected from Potential Predators

Even though certain birds are attracted to specific colors, it isn’t always best to use them when painting birdhouses. In fact, it’s often best to paint your birdhouse using camouflaged tones. 

If the birds happen to be attracted to camouflaged tones like browns and greens and tans, then more power to you. But the real reason to consider using neutral shades and camouflage colors instead of bright colors is to keep predators away while keeping the birds safe and protected.

Some of the more popular colors to consider when painting birdhouses for camouflage protection include: gray, sky-blue, olive green, taupe, brown, tan, ivory, and white.

The Perfect Paint: Choosing the Ideal Paint to Use One Painting Birdhouses

According to, “when painting birdhouses, use a latex-based paint meant for exterior use. Latex-based paints are water-soluble, which means they are both safer and more durable.”

Latex paint is a lot like acrylic paint. But there is one major difference maker that makes latex paint the ideal choice. With acrylic paint, you are dealing with a chemical-based option, which is certainly potentially harmful to the birds. With latex paint, you are dealing with a water-based option, which isn’t going to harm your favorite feathered friends in any capacity whatsoever. It’s a safe and ideal choice.

If you’re having a hard time finding latex paint, check out your favorite online retailer because they are bound to have plenty of great colors available. Or if you prefer to do things in person, you can visit a local craft store or local art supply store to find excellent color options.

When you’re ready to paint colorful houses, please take the time to perform this action ahead of the upcoming spring. Spring is when nesting season begins, so it’s best to paint your birdhouse in the fall well in advance. This gives the birdhouse the opportunity to air out and rid itself of any potential unwanted odors that could scare away the birds.

many colorful birdhouses in a yard

Necessary Facts for Birdwatchers to Understand About Attracting Birds to Their Backyard

It’s very satisfying to attract your favorite birds to your backyard. Other factors come into play as well including the health of your garden, keeping your backyard wild enough to attract insects and other food sources, and maintaining a private and healthy environment.

My best tips besides painted birdhouse colors include the following:

  1. Provide an available water source – the best way to have a freshwater source available for birds is to install a birdbath in your backyard. During the summer, it’s best to change the water as often as possible. In fact, you should change it every 2-3 days. And to prevent the water from freezing, use a heater during the wintertime.
  2. Add native plants to your backyard – having native plants in your backyard is a great idea because it provides an additional food source for the birds. Choose seed-bearing plants that drop nectar, nuts, and berries too. Adding shrubs and evergreen trees to your backyard provides cover for the birds throughout the seasons.
  3. Stop using insecticides in your backyard – most birds eat insects as their primary source of food. The insecticides will kill off the insects and keep your favorite birds away because they will not have an available food source to sustain them. Insects provide a fresh source of fats and proteins for growing birds.
  4. Leave dead trees in your backyard – this might seem counterproductive but it’s actually a good idea. Many insects will gravitate toward dead trees. Dead trees also provide places for birds to live as they carve out cavities in the rotting wood. Hollowed-out trees also act as shelters for birds in need.
  5. Provide bird feeders for the birds – normally, you’d have to research this topic to figure out the best bird feeders and food for specific species of birds. But I’ll share more information about bird feeders and the food and colors that will best attract your favorite backyard birds.

Related article: Would You Believe Cardinals Don’t Use Birdhouses?

Bird Species Attracted To Painted Birdhouses

Bird Species Attracted to Painted Birdhouses Favorite Colors
Bluebirds Shades of blue
Robins Black
Starlings Blue
Flycatchers Purple
Cardinals Bright Red, White, Green, Yellow, Black
Hummingbirds Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow
Blue Jays Shades of blue
Orioles Orange
Goldfinches Yellow, Green
Sparrows Blue
Siskins Red

Bird Feeders That Attract Birds With Color

birdhouse colors
Image by Alain Audet from Pixabay
  • Robins – these majestic creatures and their young chicks prefer two types of bird feeders. They like hanging platform tray bird feeders or ground tray bird feeders that can certainly be painted black if you prefer. Unfortunately, Robins do not eat birdseed and prefer foraging for insects. You can feed them mealworms, berries, and chopped apples in their birdfeeders.
  • Starlings – in truth, most birdwatchers are trying to keep starlings out of their backyard because they are greedy and they’ll eat up all of the bird seed and other food. In fact, they sell starling-proof suet feeders to keep them away, so please keep this in mind.
  • Flycatchers – flycatchers like a wide variety of birdseed including safflower seeds, black oil sunflower seeds, and suet. So, you can choose a number of different styles of bird feeders including hanging platforms, ground feeders, or suet feeders. Feel free to paint them purple since flycatchers love the color purple and purple flowers.
  • Cardinals – cardinals aren’t picky at all now and pretty much eat out of anything. You can use a platform feeder, hopper, window feeder, tube feeder, or suet feeder. They aren’t picky and they’ll pretty much eat anything, but their favorite seeds are safflower seeds and black oil sunflower seeds. Feel free to paint your bird feeders any of their favorite colors mentioned above but especially bright red.
  • Hummingbirds – the best hummingbird feeders include bottle feeders or dish feeders because they meet with their preferred eating style. Plus, these feeders can hold nectar, which is the preferred food of choice for the hummingbird. Feel free to choose a yellow, orange, pink, or red bird feeder since they are the hummingbird’s favorite colors.
  • Blue Jays – Blue Jays aren’t picky either when it comes to bird feeders. They gravitate toward suet feeders, hoppers, domed feeder trays, wreath feeders, ground feeders, and platform feeders. They can maintain their natural wood color or paint them various shades of blue to attract the bluebirds even more. These birds love eating suet cakes, mealworms, sunflower seeds, or cracked corn.
  • Orioles – there are numerous bird feeders specifically designed to attract orioles, so I highly recommend choosing one of these options. Make sure the oriole feeder is either wood color or the color orange, which is a color that they certainly prefer. They like eating insects including spiders and grasshoppers, but they also enjoy nectar, suet, and fresh fruit including wild black cherries and mulberries.
  • Goldfinches – goldfinches love Nyjer seeds, so it’s best to get them an enclosed Nyjer seed feeder. Or if you prefer, you can go with a hanging squirrel-proof seed feeder, a finch magnet bird feeder, or a hanging sunflower seed feeder. They are also very partial to mixed birdseed and sunflower seeds as well. Feel free to paint your birdfeeder yellow or green because they are very attracted to these colors.
  • Sparrows – sparrows particularly thrive when using hoppers, ground bird feeders, platform trays, and hanging all-weather feeders. Sparrows are very low-maintenance birds and they’ll pretty much eat anything you put in front of them. But if you really want to attract them, you should stick to sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, thistle seeds, cracked corn, or white proso millet. They also love the color blue, so feel free to paint your birdfeeder your favorite shade of blue.
  • Siskins – tube feeders are the ideal choice for pine siskins and other siskins. They absolutely adore eating sunflower seeds, so please feel free to provide them in a plentiful supply. They love peanuts too, so putting them in your bird feeders will definitely bring siskins around to your backyard. If you plan to paint your birdfeeder, feel free to use the color red because they love it a lot.

Birdhouse Color FAQs

Here are some common questions and answers about birdhouse colors. Look for the answers to your most pressing questions below.

What colors are birds most attracted to?

According to a study performed by two young future scientists, we learned that the wide majority of birds are attracted to high-energy colors.

What are high-energy colors? On the color spectrum, they tend to include a variety of green, blue, and purple colors. These colors emit high-energy wavelengths that are very attractive to a plethora of backyard birds. This is great information for birdwatchers to know because they can use these colors to their advantage.

What colors do birds avoid?

Birds only tend to avoid one particular shade or color, which will deter them from spending time in your backyard if you use it to paint colorful birdhouses or bird feeders.

Which color am I talking about? Believe it or not, I’m talking about the color white. They look at this color as a danger and will steer clear of the color white at all times.

Guess what? As a birdwatcher in training, it’s your job to steer clear of the color white as well if you’re looking to attract these beautiful birds to your yard. Wait birdhouses will keep them away. Consider a beautiful green, blue, or purple instead.

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What color are birds least attracted to?

According to the same study referenced above, birds are the least attracted to low-energy colors. This includes olive green, mustard yellow, and light and dark orange colors along the same spectrum as various shades of red. 

While some birds are attracted to these colors, most tend to shy away from them, so it’s best to avoid them and less you’re attempting to attract a specific bird species that happens to like one of these low-energy colors.

What is the best color to paint a bird nesting box?

This question is difficult to answer because it really comes down to the particular bird species that you’re attempting to attract. Yet, if you’re looking to provide birds with cover to keep them safe from predators, you should use colors that act as camouflage.

Some great color options include earth tones like green, brown, tan, ivory, white, taupe, olive green, sky blue, and gray. These neutral colors are great protection against rival birds and other possible predators that may want to do them harm.

What color do birds love?

Bird species are different. There isn’t one particular color that all birds seem to love. Various studies have proved that bird species have different tastes. As an example, bluebirds and Blue Jays love various shades of blue. Cardinals love various shades of red. Orioles love various shades of orange. Are you starting to see a connection here?

For the most part, though, most birds tend to gravitate toward high-energy colors because of their high-energy wavelengths. These colors include various shades of purple, green, and blue.

Do certain colors scare birds?

Again, the answer to this question is contingent upon the particular bird in some instances. But overall, the one color that birds seem to avoid is the color white. They avoid it because it signals danger to them.

On the other hand, there are various birds that are afraid of the color red. Obviously, this isn’t the case in every situation since cardinals and robins and other red birds certainly prefer it. But white and occasionally red are frightening colors for many birds.

from Bird Informer

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Cardinal Call: What Does A Cardinal Bird Sound Like?

Have you ever wondered what a cardinal call sounded like? Do their bird calls have particular meanings? Continue reading below to find out everything you need to know about cardinal bird sounds and their calls.

Cardinal calls come from both male and female birds in the form of songs. The song usually lasts 2-3 seconds and consists of stringing together two-parted whistles or clear down-slurred whistles. As an example, they make syllabic noises that sound like birdie, birdie, birdie, or cheer, cheer, cheer.

There are a number of interesting facts about cardinal songs and how they are used for communication during nesting time. These songs have major significance regarding feeding, mating, and other important aspects of a cardinal’s life.

To learn about cardinal calls and their significance, please stick with us a little while longer to learn more.

Northern Cardinal Call: The Sounds & Significance Of Northern Cardinal Calls

cardinal call
Image by Jack Bulmer from Pixabay

If you spent any time around Northern cardinals, you already know that both the female and male species love to sing! The female sings beautifully. 

But are they really singing because they love to create beautiful music? Or do their singing and bird calls have a special significance?

According to, “Scientists have described at least 16 different calls for the Northern cardinal, but the one that you’ll hear most commonly is a loud, metallic chip.”

Northern cardinals make their calls for various reasons including:

  • Warning intruders to stay out of their territory
  • Warn other cardinals one predators are near
  • Females make cardinal calls as they approach their nest
  • Male and female cardinals make calls while delivering food to their nest
  • Both sexes make calls during nesting when they have to get up and leave the nest
  • Cardinals make softer calls when either the male or female is feeding the other bird

The most interesting thing of all is Northern cardinal calls and repetitive whistling have varying meanings. And this is an important form of communication for these birds because their calls provide warnings, messages, and other significant things that other cardinals need to know about while sharing the same territory.

Northern Cardinals Songs: The Varying Meanings Behind Their Music

First of all, you may not realize that the male species of most birds are typically the only once to sing. It’s very rare for female birds to sing in other species, yet the female Northern cardinals are complex creatures that also sing beautiful songs.

In fact, the cardinal bird songs are typically associated with mating and courtship. Their calls, on the other hand, typically act as alarms or warnings to birds or animals encroaching on their territory or other members of their flock.

Related article: Best Cardinal Bird Feeders

Coordinating Behavior: An Important Aspect Of Cardinal Songs

One of the main reasons both male and female cardinals sing is to coordinate their behavior throughout their life. 

As an example, when male cardinals leave the nest in search of food, they will often sing a song to let the female cardinal and her offspring know that a delicious meal is on the way.

On the other hand, the male cardinal will also sing a particular song whenever he is returning to the nest. In some cases, the male cardinal will have food to give to the female cardinal to feed their young. 

In other cases, the male cardinal will just return from a journey outside the nest and it may have nothing to do with feeding, but he is letting the other cardinals know that he’s on the way back and that everything is safe and sound.

Territory Formation: Another Reason For Cardinal Songs

When male and female cardinals become mating partners, they will choose a particular territory to raise their young. This is better known as territory formation and it’s an important part of the cardinal mating ritual.

You’ll hear male or female cardinals singing back and forth to each other during the territory formation process. This is a simple way for both cardinals to communicate with one another as they build their nest and develop their territory to raise their young hatchlings in the future.

Cardinal Mating Call: Hear Beautiful Cardinal Songs during Courtship And Mating Rituals

a cardinal and another bird on the ground feeding
Image by meganzopf from Pixabay

Cardinals love to talk to each other and sing while mating. This is an important part of the courtship ritual and it’s known to help strengthen the bond between the male and female members of the species as they accept one another as partners.

In many instances, one bird will sing a phrase to the other cardinal. The other cardinal will then respond, often copying the exact song and singing it back to the first cardinal. This can go on for some time as the birds sing back and forth to one another repeating the same song over and over again.

After some time passes, the first bird will eventually change the song and begin singing the other cardinal a brand-new song. As you can imagine, the second cardinal will repeat the new song and sing it back to the first cardinal. 

More than likely, the male will initiate the singing of songs during the mating ritual, but female cardinals aren’t afraid to initiate the ritual as well.

Related article: What Colors Attract Cardinals?

Courting Versus Rivalry: Are These Songs Any Different?

It may seem odd on the surface, but the antiphonal singing that takes place between rival males living in separate territories and a courting pair of Cardinals is indistinguishable from one another.

Why? It’s a form of communicating, plain and simple.

On the one hand, the courting birds are singing to each other in an effort to communicate with one another, while joining together as a mated pair looking to strengthen their bond.

On the other hand…

When rival males sing to one another, this is typically happening over a property dispute. The pair will sing to each other in an effort to solve or settle the disputed property in question. Maybe the two birds are fighting over a particular territory and they sing back and forth to one another in an effort to settle their dispute and determine the victor.

cardinal sitting on a tree branch
Image by George from Pixabay

Attracting Mom And Dad’s Attention: Young Birds Calls & Sounds

Young birds, including baby cardinals, will make specific sounds and calls in their early years in an effort to attract their parent’s attention. It makes sense because these newborns and younglings cannot fend for themselves. 

They need their parents’ help in order to survive. They may be hungry for insects, flies, beetles, or food from bird feeders. And the best way to let mom and dad know when they need help is to make specific calls and other sounds to grab their attention. 

According to The Spruce, begging calls are made for a number of different reasons and include varying sounds. These calls are, “made by young birds, these plaintive calls are designed to draw attention and may include small peeps, whines, rasps, wheezes, and chirps. Begging calls are not usually loud, but can be heard clearly in the vicinity of a nest.”

The begging calls do not end once a young bird leaves the nest. On the contrary, juvenile bards will continue making these calls after leaving the nest when they are still dependent on care from their parents. They need to get their attention somehow, so begging and making small yet clear sounds is a frequent and effective way to let them know when a young bird needs assistance.

In fact, the young birds do not stop making begging bird sounds. Frequently, they will also flutter their wings and make other motions in an effort to get their parent’s attention. This is very effective, which is why juvenile cardinals and other young birds continue to make these sounds, motions, and flutters whenever it’s necessary.

The Final Countdown On Cardinal Calls

You’ll be excited to know that cardinals love to sing and call one another all throughout the day. In fact, it’s known that male cardinals sing 200 times per hour. Their songs have different meanings depending on the situation that the cardinal finds itself in.

To reiterate the meaning and influence of cardinal songs and calls, please read the following summary. It includes:

  • Northern Cardinals calls have great significance. In some instances, they act as warnings, while in other cases they signify mating, and nesting, and share important territorial information amongst the nesting couples.
  • Northern Cardinals songs are a way to communicate coordinating behavior and territory formation information amongst cardinals in the same vicinity of one another.
  • A cardinal mating call is a form of courtship between male and female cardinals. The birds sing the same calls back and forth to one another to enhance their bond and strengthen their relationship before starting a family together.
  • Young birds including baby and juvenile cardinals will initiate begging calls. These calls are designed to let mom and dad know that the youngsters need the help and assistance of their parents. These calls continue for a time even after juvenile cardinals leave the nest.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that male and female cardinals regularly sing songs and make noises to communicate with one another. Male cardinals love to sing and use their songs to communicate throughout the day.

Do you have further information about cardinal calls, mating songs, and other forms of cardinal communication? Feel free to leave a comment below and share your valuable information so we can add it to this valuable resource.

from Bird Informer

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Red Cardinal Meaning: What Does It Mean To See One?

Are you trying to discover the importance of seeing a red cardinal? Does seeing a red cardinal have a specific meaning? Find out the truth of the matter below.

Seeing a red cardinal has spiritual significance. Spiritually speaking, it means a personal transformation will take place, it’s time to harmonize and balance your root chakras, people in your life love and support you, you can express yourself freely, and you’re connected to the spiritual realm.

Here’s the thing:

Seeing a cardinal is going to have different meanings for different people. There are a number of different possibilities and reasons why you may have seen a cardinal or you may regularly see the same one because it has significance to your life.

With that said, we’ll delve into the red cardinal meaning and discover various reasons why people see them throughout their day-to-day existence. Continue reading to learn the truth and uncover the hidden meaning of your life.

red cardinal meaning
Image by Briam Cute from Pixabay

Spirituality: Red Cardinals & Their 5 Spiritual Meanings

Believe it or not, there are multiple spiritual reasons why a person might see a red cardinal once or more often. These reasons range from transformative experiences to loyalty to connecting more with the spiritual realm.

To better understand, here is a breakdown of the 5 spiritual meanings of red cardinals:

Being Connected To The Spiritual Realm

This may seem beyond the realm of possibility for some people, but many of us consider cardinals to act as messengers directly from the spiritual realm.

How so?

Their presence can represent a couple of different scenarios.

On the one hand, the regular presence of a cardinal in your life could be a representation of your spirit guide. They may have a specific message or messages that they need to share with you. And if you continue to see this cardinal over and over, it likely means that it has an incredibly important message that it needs to get across.


The cardinal could represent a loved one that is passed on from this mortal coil. More than likely, it will represent a loved one that recently passed, but it could also represent someone that passed on long ago and wants to make their presence felt in your life once again.

The most important thing to realize is that this cardinal is here to bring you support and comfort. Feel good knowing that you are connected to the spiritual realm with one or more spirits that are looking out for you and watching over you each and every day.

Loyal People Surround You

In a sense, you should feel good if you regularly see one or more cardinals throughout the day. They have a reputation for being loyal and monogamous with their mating partners. In fact, cardinals typically tend to take one mating partner for their entire lives.

So, if you happen to see a cardinal, see it as a good sign. It likely means that your current partner is going to remain with you for the rest of your life. Or, it could mean that you’re about to discover the person that you’ll spend the rest of your life with.

This is a great sign! Enjoy it!

Harmonizing Your Root Chakra

The color red is known to immediately grab people’s attention. It also is the color of a cardinal, which is a bird that is fully connected to the root chakra.

How so?

The correlation between the red cardinal and the root chakra are related to making personal changes that we go through during our lives. So, if you see a red cardinal at some point soon, know that this could be a sign that you’re about to begin a major personal transformation. 

You will likely become more grounded, and more connected to your breathing, and you’ll even expand your personal consciousness.

If this resonates with you at all, you can participate in certain activities that harmonize and balance your root chakra. They include:

  • Walking on the earth barefooted
  • Sitting and meditating in natural settings
  • Feeling the wind on your face while receiving its blessing
  • Spending time in nature while communing with natural spirits

Reciting affirmations will also help you become more grounded in your root chakra. Some affirmations to consider include:

  • I am safe in my body
  • I am grounded, supported, and safe
  • Wherever I am, I feel at home – grounded and at peace
  • I am worthy of care, support, and love
  • I open my arms to the possibilities of the universe
  • The universe is abundant and I live gratefully and filled with joy

According to, “affirmations for grounding are exactly what they sound like: affirmations that help you focus your attention on grounding yourself and connecting with the earth and its energy.”

Related article: What Colors Attract Cardinals?

A Personal Transformation Is Taking Place

Do you feel like you’re on the verge of making a major transformation in your personal or spiritual life? If you see a red cardinal while undergoing these feelings, it likely means that a personal transformation is already underway.

But why would you see a cardinal at this time?

The cardinal is there to let you know that the evolutionary process is happening and it’s telling you to trust yourself, trust your environment, and it’s welcoming you to experience this change that you’ve likely wanted to make for a long time.

So, do yourself a favor and trust the evolutionary process. Allow this change to occur because your life will likely end up much happier because of it.

red cardinal perched on a tree branch
Image by Skyler Ewing From Pexels

Feel Comfortable Expressing Yourself Freely

Do you find it difficult to express yourself? Maybe you don’t like to speak up in front of crowds or in group settings. Or maybe you’re in a difficult relationship and you feel stifled and uncomfortable when it comes to sharing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

This is common for many people and it happens to all of us at one time or another.

In this case, if you see a red cardinal while you’re feeling stifled or experiencing feelings of embarrassment or shame, just know that this bird is trying to warn you that you can freely express yourself.

The cardinal will remind you that it’s no longer wise to withdraw but instead express your feelings and emotions. It’s time to open up to the person or people that you feel most uncomfortable around to bring about a personal transformation.

Cardinals never hide. And neither should you. At least that’s what they’re trying to tell you when red cardinals become a regular part of your daily life.

Do Cardinals Mate For Life?

We Cover Everything From Life Mates To Nesting To Death, And All That’s in Between! Click The Button Below To Learn More

What Is The Red Cardinal Meaning If I Happen To Continuously See Them?

This is an important question because red cardinals are now becoming a regular presence in your life and it’s becoming really noticeable to you.

You might be wondering what to do. Is there anything that you should do in this situation? According to, “If cardinals keep appearing, there is likely a message there for you.”

In this particular case, the red cardinals are presenting themselves as a power animal or spirit animal. They are inviting you to begin working with them as they take you along your show moniker meditative journey.

These beautiful red creatures will provide help and support in your dreams and deliver guidance, messages, and spiritual medicine that will keep you strong, safe, grounded and empowered.

red cardinal perched on a wooden beam
Image by Frank Dilorenzo from Pixabay

Red Cardinal Symbolism From Native Americans

According to iPublishing, “Among several Native American tribes, cardinals were seen as a symbol of the changing seasons. Native American tribes also believed that a cardinal’s red color signified “battle” or “war” because of its symbolism.”

So, there are obviously two schools of thought from Native Americans as far as red cardinals appearing in your life are concerned.

The first represents the changing seasons. This doesn’t necessarily mean the change is going from fall to winter, winter to spring, spring to summer, or summer back to fall again.

This could very well represent the seasonal changes that we go through as part of our regular day-to-day lives. Are you experiencing a major personal change? Maybe you’ve recently had a child, or you’re going through a divorce, or one of your loved ones has recently passed on.

The cardinal can act as a symbol for the changes that are currently taking place. Or, they can be a sign telling you that major season changes are about to take place in your life.

On the other hand:

The cardinal may enter your life because you’re going through a difficult time of battle or war.

In this case, the war or battle is likely a symbol of something upsetting or difficult that’s happening right now. 

Maybe you’re struggling with one of your teenagers because they aren’t doing very well in school and you’re constantly fighting. You want them to put their phone down and do their homework, but they would rather chat on their favorite social media accounts.

Or maybe you’re going through a totally different type of war or battle. You could be going through a divorce, a tough time but when your boss is at work, or any other number of things.

The cardinal could represent the struggle that you’re going through. The male cardinal may also symbolically represent their struggles are about to come to an end.

Either way, the Native American tribes believe strongly in these symbolic gestures one way or another.

The Last Word On What It Means When You See A Red Cardinal

You’ll be happy to know that in many instances seeing a red cardinal is a very good thing. There are a lot of positive things happening that help to reinforce the red cardinal meaning and everything that it represents.

As you’ve undoubtedly learned, the male or female cardinal plays a significant role in spirituality, becoming more grounded, and it definitely makes for one heck of a spirit animal!

To help reinforce everything that we’ve learned above, a summary of the cardinal bird’s meaning is in order. It includes the following:

  • Red cardinals are assigned that we are connected to the spiritual realm. They represent our loved ones who watch over us or spirits that have a message to guide us.
  • The Northern cardinal represents loyalty. If you see them regularly, know that you are surrounded by people who remain loyal to you.
  • The red bird is a spiritual messenger that reminds us to remain grounded in our root chakra. They have an eternal life-giving nature and remind us to practice activities like walking barefoot on the earth, meditating, and other chakra-harmonizing actions.
  • This red bright bird also acts as a warning or reminder that a personal transformation is taking place. It could already be underway or about to happen soon.
  • A cardinal appearance means you should feel comfortable expressing yourself freely. No longer hold yourself back from anyone and share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns at all times.
  • Native American symbolism says this mystical bird represents the sun’s daughter. Cardinals represent changing personal seasons or “battle” or “war”.

I’m sure you’re surprised to learn how meaningful red cardinal visits can actually be. So, do not forget to fill your bird feeders during the winter so your backyard can become filled with these lovely birds all year long.

Do you have anything else to share about the red male cardinal or female cardinal? Feel free to share your important tidbits with us in the comments and thanks for stopping by!

from Bird Informer

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Where To Place Bluebird Houses: Picking An Attractive Spot

Are you ready to install a new bluebird house at home? Do you know the perfect location to choose? Keep reading to discover the ideal spot to place your bluebird house this spring.

The ideal place for a bluebird house is in a wide-open, sunny backyard. Keep it out of the shade or away from the house. Give bluebirds a flying path facing a field if possible. Keep the birdhouse 100ft from the feeder. Install it 5-10ft off the ground and keep it anchored firmly to prevent swaying.

As you can see, there are a number of things to consider when determining where to place bluebird houses. Creating the ideal environment or finding the perfect location is the difference between attracting bluebirds and failing to do so.

To learn more about picking the most attractive location for bluebird houses and other significant information, please keep reading below.

Related article: What is the difference between a bluebird and a blue jay?

Provide Plenty Of Space: Put Your Bluebird House In An Open Area

First things first…

Bluebirds love to devour insects during the summertime and consider it their main source of food. With this in mind, they need to live in a location with wide-open spaces and plenty of sunlight while nesting or roosting. This area should be filled with a plethora of short grass and an ample supply of all kinds of insects.

In fact, bluebirds love to munch on the following insects, which make up the majority of their diet. They include:

  • caterpillars
  • spiders
  • grasshoppers
  • beetles
  • crickets
  • mealworms
  • grubs
  • termites
  • snails
  • and other insects

According to, “In the wild, bluebirds love to snack on snails, slugs, earthworms, and grubs. They are drawn to insect larvae and enjoy crickets, beetles, grasshoppers, termites, and ants. Bluebirds also eat spiders and the previously mentioned mosquito.”

Clearly, it’s best to keep your nest box in a wide-open environment with lots of grass and fields so plenty of these tasty insects are available for your favorite bluebirds and other songbirds to eat so they can maintain a healthy diet.

Also, while choosing the perfect location in your backyard, consider facing the bluebird birdhouse toward an open expanse of grass. If possible, put it on the edge of your property so the birdhouse overlooks the rest of your large and wide-open backyard.

bluebird sitting on top of house

Related article: What Does It Mean Spiritually When You See A Bluebird?

Perch Perfect: Provide Bluebirds A Place To Perch To Attract Them To Your Backyard

This bonus tip is designed to make your backyard more attractive to bluebirds. If you offer the things that they like, they’ll have no problem moving into your bluebird house because all of their favorite amenities like open spaces, plenty of insects, and hunting perches are made available to them.

In this particular case, it’s best to design your backyard in a way that provides low perches for bluebirds because they love to use that while hunting. Consider adding shrubs, small trees, or low fence posts to your backyard. Keep them low enough to the ground so that the bluebirds will be able to easily discover insects from their perch.

Really take this into consideration. If you want bluebirds to be attracted to your backyard, then having one or more low perches is definitely a great idea.

Where To Place Bluebird Houses: Stability Is Key

According to PennState Extension, “Mounting nest boxes on poles instead of trees enables you to place them in locations that will decrease the chance that they will be used by birds other than bluebirds. To reduce competition from house wrens, which prefer to nest near brushy cover, locate boxes at least 100 feet from tree lines and shrubs.”

That makes sense, right?

As a bluebird lover looking to attract them to your backyard, the last thing you’d want to do is attract house wrens and other birds to their nest box. This would ultimately defeat the purpose of creating the perfect bluebird habitat to attract these beautiful creatures to your home.

Keeping house wrens and other birds like starlings or House sparrows away is only one reason to mount a bluebird box on top of a pole.

Here’s another reason:

When mounting a nest box in a tree, for example, it will often sway in the breeze and remain unstable. Bluebirds will not tolerate the instability. As soon as they realize that the nest boxes aren’t stable, they will abandon them altogether and never go back.

Mounting the box on a pole will provide tremendous stability even if it’s windy, rainy, or potentially disturbed during inclement weather. The pole must be in the ground and remain sturdy and strong in order to prevent instability whenever a strong gust of wind blows through your backyard.

two bluebirds perched on top of birdhouse

The Height Of Perfection: Practice The 5 Foot Bluebird Nest Boxes Rule

Generally speaking, experts recommend placing your new bluebird box anywhere from 5-10 feet off the ground. Ideally, I would take it a step further and recommend keeping it 5 feet off the ground and no higher.


Simply put, by keeping it 5 feet off the ground, you are keeping it low enough so bluebirds can perch on top of their nest boxes and spot insects and other prey directly from their home-based perch.

According to, “Mount the nest box at least 5 feet off the ground, not too close to buildings, and at least 50 feet away from brushy or wooded areas.”

I’ll go into further detail about the reasons why it should be at least 50-100 feet away from the brushy or wooded area below. But know that keeping the nest boxes as close to the ground as possible makes it easier than ever for bluebirds to discover insects and other prey that they can use to feed themselves and their hatchlings.

Finally, I’d like to mention that house sparrows will likely avoid nest boxes that are 5 feet in height or lower, which is also another great benefit to keeping it relatively low to the ground.

Related article: Best Bluebird Feeders

Other Guidelines To Consider

Besides placing the nest box 5 feet off the ground, you should consider the following guidelines when choosing the best location. They include:

  • Keep your nest box facing a wide-open space (preferably your backyard.) If you have to place the nest box on the edge of your property and face it toward your yard, please do so.
  • How far apart should remain between bluebird houses? The Ohio Bluebird Society teaches us that it’s best to keep 18-20 feet apart between bluebird boxes if you’re installing them together as a pair. If you’re installing multiple pairs, keep 100 feet of space between each set of bluebird house pairs.
  • If you can ensure stability, then it’s certainly acceptable to hang your bluebird house from a tree. Make sure it’s secured flat against the tree. If the bluebird houses swaying for any reason at all, bluebirds will not use it because they do not like the swaying or rocking motion.

Unwelcome Guests Begone: Prevent House Sparrows From Outcompeting The Bluebirds For Space

As a bluebird aficionado, it’s important to know that house sparrows and other birds tend to compete for space with bluebirds. If you place your nest boxes incorrectly, you might end up building a home for local house sparrows instead of your favorite bluebirds.

How can you prevent this?

As a bird landlord, you’ll have to take the necessary steps to discourage house sparrows from moving into your nest boxes set aside for bluebirds.

Some tips to help you accomplish this task include:

  1. Monitor your nest boxes daily. If it looks like house sparrows might be invading your nest boxes, it’s best to remove the evidence of their existence from the nest box. As an example, the house sparrows might begin building a nest inside of the box. Since this bird is not protected by law, you can remove the messy scraps of debris from the nest box and clean it out in an effort to protect bluebirds and other native birds.
  2. Plug the entrance hole temporarily. If the house sparrows are consumed with your bluebird box, you may have to temporarily clean it out and plug the hole for the time being. The house sparrows will eventually lose interest in the nest box, so plugging the hole to help them forget about it is one of the best ways to get them to lose interest. You’ll have to monitor this situation as well to find out when the sparrows are no longer interested in the bluebird house.
  3. Install a bluebird-safe bird box. They sell sparrow-resistant birdhouses that are designed based on research and bluebird nesting behaviors. Considering another option, they sell bluebird boxes with a Noel Guard on the front. This might not necessarily restrict sparrows from getting in the bird box, but it will keep other critters including squirrels, raccoons, and cats away.
bluebird sitting with snow falling around

What Other Predators Could Damage Bluebird Nest Boxes?

As you can imagine, there are other native competitors that would love to have access to bluebird nesting boxes. A list of the more common birds that will compete with bluebirds for access to nest boxes includes the following:

  • Titmice
  • House sparrows
  • Nuthatches
  • Starlings
  • Chickadees
  • House wrens
  • Tree swallows

None of these birds will necessarily damage the bluebird box, but they will try to take over and make it their home. Make sure the bluebird house has the ideal sized opening to keep larger birds out while allowing bluebirds in without any difficulty.

House swallows and European starlings are major threats to bluebird nesting. These birds will attack the nests, destroy or steal their eggs, and ultimately ruin the beautiful place to live that you created for these gorgeous birds.

For friendly native birds like the list mentioned above, you could always install an additional birdhouse or nest box roughly 10 feet higher and near a wooded area and away from the bluebird box.

FAQs About Placing Bluebird Houses

Many homeowners have important questions that need answering about installing bluebird houses. Some frequently asked questions include:

How Much Space Should I Put Between My Bluebird Houses?

The North American Bluebird Society tells us that it’s possible to attract multiple pairs of bluebirds to your property as long as you have more than one nesting space. When placing your bluebird nest boxes throughout your property, you should keep the following distances in mind for each of these species:

Species of Bluebird Space Between Nest Boxes
Eastern Bluebirds 100-150 yards (the further the better)
Mountain Bluebirds 200-300 yards
Western Bluebirds 100-300 yards (the further the better)

Which Direction Should I Face My Bluebird House?

Bluebirds have a specific directional preference for their nesting boxes to face. The following list is an order of bluebird preferences.

  • East
  • North
  • South
  • West

This information was first discovered by Doreen Scriven, the author of Bluebird Trails: A Guide to Success.

Can I Place My Bluebird Nest Box Close To My House?

In all honesty, this really depends on the size and shape of your backyard. If your yard is relatively small, you may need to mount it relatively close to the house. You shouldn’t feel like you’re doing anything wrong. Go ahead and install the bluebird house.

Guess what? This likely will not be a problem as long as there’s lots of open space available in the area. Make sure the area is filled with plenty of natural light as well because it will make it very easy for bluebirds to find the nest box.

I recently read a story about a bluebird lover who had to mount their nest box 30 feet from their house. They thought the bluebirds would avoid it, but nothing was further from the truth. They ended up liking the birdhouse and the location and it was never a problem. Even better, house sparrows avoided the nest box in this location as well, which was definitely a nice added bonus.


To close things out and properly summarize my findings, please remember the following:

When considering where to Place bluebird houses, the ideal location to mount them is in an open and sunny area. Make sure bluebirds have plenty of short grass so that they can find insects hiding within.

Otherwise, pay close attention to the tips and suggestions shared above. This information will make it easier than ever for you to choose the perfect bluebird house location.

from Bird Informer

What Color Are Bluebird Eggs?

Are you trying to find out the true color of bluebird eggs? Find out the answer to this question and other important bluebird egg facts shared below. So, what color are bluebird eggs?

Bluebird eggs are the color blue, but they are also sometimes white or pink, but it’s rare. Specifically, the actual egg color is technically powder blue. Unlike other bird eggs, they don’t have dark spots on them. Bluebird feathers do not usually line the nest, but it does happen in rare instances.

Clearly, bluebird eggs are beautiful to look at and their powdery blue color is truly a sight to behold. Besides the information already shared, I’d like to tell you more about the reason they are the color that they are, how bluebirds lay eggs and other important facts that you might not know about.

To discover the truth about the color of bluebird eggs and so much more, please continue reading the information shared below.

bluebird eggs in a nest

Why Are Bluebird Eggs Blue?

There is a very specific reason why bluebird eggs, robin’s eggs, and other blue eggs turn this color. It specifically has to do with the bile pigment biliverdin. It’s this pigment that provides the blue tones that we see when looking at birds’ eggs.

When the bird shell is formed within the shell gland, it is covered by specific pigments, which will ultimately determine the overall color of the eggshell. The shell gland can be found toward the back of the oviduct, which ultimately acts as an avian uterus.

The color of the egg can be arranged according to a number of different hues based on the bile pigment concentration. In some cases, like the bluebird egg, the pigmentation creates a powdery blue collar. In other cases, the egg might look pale ice blue, blue-green, or a bright and bold blue.

The smaller brood eggs that are first laid typically have a brighter and more intense coloration as opposed to the larger eggs, which usually appear during the nesting cycle at a much later time.

The pigment biliverdin isn’t just responsible for coloring bird egg shells. It’s also responsible for the blue tones and coloration in butterfly and moth wings. And when somebody gets bruised and the mark begins turning bluish-green, this happens because of biliverdin pigmentation as well.

Related article: Best Bluebird Feeders

Are Bluebird Eggs Colorful To Act Like Camouflage?

The short answer is no, the powdery blue bluebird eggs aren’t this color to act as camouflage. As an example, hens tend to lay brown creamy chicken eggs. They are this color to help the eggs blend in with their surroundings and act as camouflage. 

This is typical of many different types of bird eggs because the coloration can camouflage the eggs and keep them hidden from other predators. Typically, the eggs with neutral tones have been specifically created this way to blend in with the background much better to keep them hidden, safe, and protected.

On the other hand, there is a very valid and specific reason why bluebird eggs are the color blue. Find out why the next.

two bluebirds perched on a wooden post

What Color Are Bluebird Eggs and How Does It Provide UV Ray Protection?

Believe it or not, the coloration of a bird egg is more than just a pretty sight. In the case of bluebird eggs, the darker color is designed to keep the egg and the unborn bird protected from harmful sunlight and ultraviolet rays.

The sun kicks off heat and radiation that can cause untold damage to delicate bluebird eggs. It could have a negative impact on the development of the hatchling inside and create unwanted problems during the incubation period.

For example, tells us, “A very dark egg, for example, will have better protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, but it can also heat up too quickly in direct sunlight and the extreme temperature could kill an unhatched chick.”

As we learned earlier, bluebird eggs are a much later powdery blue as opposed to a very dark blue egg. So, this later egg isn’t going to have to fear stress caused by overheating. Unfortunately, on the other end of the spectrum, it does run the risk of potential developmental problems due to overexposure to UV radiation.

When the incubation period is taking place and the son is a major factor in egg development, the chicks that are born could end up facing more fatalities and larger mutations because of their rushed development.

five bluebird eggs in a nest

Eggshell Color Indications

  1. Chicks/Parental Health – when bird eggs are more colorful and brighter, this is usually a sign that the mother bird has eaten a good, healthy diet. Her hatchlings will end up healthy and strong more often than not.
  2. Careful Nesting Habits – more often than not, when an egg is colored to act as camouflage, like in our example above, this typically means that the parents must leave the eggs unattended so they can forage. More conspicuous, plain eggs are usually better guarded and well cared for by watchful parents.
  3. Sibling Mismatches – when egg colors are dramatically different within a nest, this can often indicate the presence of a brute parasite. Certain birds including common cuckoos and brown-headed cowbirds will lay their eggs and place them in another nest. The other species will foster these checks even though the eggs are a different color, shape, or size.

What Does It Mean Spiritually When You See A Bluebird?

Believe It Or Not, Bluebirds Have Spiritual Meanings! To Learn More About This, Click The Button Below. 

Bird Species That Lay Blue Eggs

  • Bluebirds
  • American Robins
  • European Robins
  • Common Myna
  • Great Tinamou
  • House Finches
  • Starlings
  • Dunnocks
  • Red-Winged Blackbirds
  • Magpies
  • Snowy Egrets
  • Emus
  • Blue Jays
  • Blue-Footed Boobies

When Does A Bluebird Lay Eggs?

The nesting season for bluebirds typically begins in February and March if the bluebirds are located in the southern states of the United States of America. Bluebirds usually begin their egg-laying season in the colder states in the North during the months of March and April.

The season doesn’t begin and then female bluebirds immediately start laying eggs. That is not how it works. First, she needs to begin building her nest.

How Does Nest Building Take Place For Bluebirds?

Like many bird species, bluebirds have their own ways of establishing their territory and beginning their mating periods. As an example, the male will initiate a performance that can be best described as a nest-building display.

Remember, the male isn’t actually responsible for building the nest, so this can be a little bit confusing. During the nest-building display, the male bluebird will gather as much nesting material as possible and bring it into the new mating territory.

Why does the mail perform this ritual?

Strictly speaking, he is doing this to attract a female mate. He will bring this nesting material into a tree cavity or bluebird house in an effort to attract a female to mate with.

It’s important to know that bluebirds are known to mate for life. This is why many find it surprising that the female builds the nest on her own without any assistance from the mail.

All told, it typically takes the female bluebird roughly 5 ½ days to complete the nest from start to finish. The male bluebird is no longer a part of the nest-building process once he has finished gathering and securing all of the nesting materials for his female mate.

According to, “Some nesting territories have multiple cavities. Some pairs build a nest or the beginning of one in each cavity – however, the nesting pair use only one to lay the eggs and raise the young.”

Related article: What is the difference between a bluebird and a blue jay?

How Many Eggs Does A Female Bluebird Lay?

On average, a female bluebird will lay roughly 4-5 eggs per nesting season. Typically speaking, the clutch size will range anywhere from 2 to 8 eggs, depending on the bluebird species.

For example, a typical Eastern bluebird egg clutch is anywhere from 2-7 eggs. The Western bluebird, on the other hand, has an average clutch size of 2-8 eggs. The mountain bluebird tends to have a clutch size of 4-8 eggs. So, it varies depending on the particular species.

The different bluebird species may have more than one brood each year as well. The female Eastern bluebird could lay eggs up to three different times during the year. The same holds true with the Western bluebird. The mountain bluebird often has two broods in a single year, but no more.

bluebird nest with eggs inside of a hollow wooden post

Will A Bluebird Ever Lay Eggs That Aren’t Blue Eggs?

Yes, a bluebird will lay eggs that aren’t blue. It doesn’t happen too often, but on occasion, a bluebird will lay white eggs. And on even rarer occasions, a female bluebird will lay pink eggs. 

Here’s an interesting fact:

The differing colors will not alternate in a clutch. For example, if a female lays powder-blue eggs, the entire clutch will consist of powder-blue eggs. The same holds true for white eggs. If one egg is white, the entire clutch will be white. And if one egg is pink, the entire clutch will all consist of pink eggs.

Bluebird Nesting Facts

Eastern Bluebird Western Bluebird Mountain Bluebird
Brood 1-3 1-3 1-2
Clutch Size 2-7 eggs 2-8 eggs 4-8 eggs
Incubation Period 11-19 days 12-17 days 18-21 days


At the end of the day, it’s important to keep the following in mind about the color of bluebird eggs:

  • For the most part, bluebird eggs are a powdery blue color
  • Occasionally bluebird eggs will come out white or pink
  • The entire clutch of eggs will be either blue, pink, or white
  • Female bluebirds build the nest
  • Male bluebirds gather the material for the nest in an effort to attract a mate
  • A typical bluebird clutch size is anywhere from 2-8 eggs

 I hope you found this information useful and informative Thanks for stopping by!

from Bird Informer

What Does It Mean Spiritually When You See A Bluebird?

Does it feel mystically significant whenever you see a bird? Are you wondering if there’s any spiritual meaning or significance to seeing this majestic creature? Keep reading to discover the answers you’ve been seeking.

Bluebirds symbolize feelings of joy and hope. They signify love and renewal according to Native American legends. Their blue wings allegorically portray contentment and peace. The Mystics consider the color blue a sign of purity, honesty, and innocence. Bluebird spirits spread joy wherever they go. But what does it mean spiritually when you see a bluebird?

The uniquely attractive bluebird is beautiful, has gorgeous coloration and wonderful feathers, and its songs are captivating and pleasant to listen to. To learn more about what bluebirds mean spiritually as symbols, spirit animals, totem animals, and more, please keep reading to discover the truth in greater detail below.

Related article: What Is The Difference Between A Bluebird And A Blue Jay?

two bluebirds sitting on wooden posts looking at each other

Bluebird Symbolism

As a member of the thrush family, there are three different types of bluebirds best known for their gorgeous blue plumage and their delightful songs.

According to, “The most common symbolism associated with the bluebird is that of the ‘bluebird of happiness.’  Bluebirds are often thought to be bringers of happiness and symbols of good cheer.” This happiness theme is a very common occurrence among cultures all around the world. 

Bluebirds as we know them are only found within the borders of North America. But other cultural traditions are based around bluebirds or birds that have a bright array of blue plumage. The Blue Rock Thrush of Europe is a great example. 

Nevertheless, the worldwide symbolism of happiness that is attached to bluebirds of North America can be easily applied to birds with blue feathers throughout the rest of the world.

Korean Symbolism For Bluebirds

A Belgian Playwright Named Maurice Maeterlinck wrote a play called “The Blue Bird.” According to KBS World, “In this story, the bluebird represents hope, but Koreans of the old days also considered the bluebird the harbinger of hopeful news.”

This is important because the Korean people perceive these birds and consider them sacred messengers. This is very similar to the Christians. They believe that God sent these little birds to watch over the people of the earth and send messages back to God about what’s happening within the world.

Chinese Symbolism For Bluebirds

There are two very distinct Chinese symbols associated with bluebirds. The first symbolic association is called Xi Wangmu. She is known as the Queen goddess in the West. She protects priestesses, nuns, and single women.

The second Chinese bluebird symbolic association comes from the Shang Dynasty. During this dynasty, the bluebird was looked upon as a symbol of enlightenment and wisdom.

Christianity’s Symbolism For Bluebirds

Bluebirds do not necessarily have a specific symbolic meeting in Christianity per se, but they are still considered messengers of nature’s bounty, joy, and hope. Throughout the Bible, birds and different animals are used to demonstrate creation’s perfection.

In particular, bluebirds are typically associated with joy in the return of spring. They remind us of faith, hope, and the promise of paradise.

Celtic Symbolism For Bluebirds

Bluebirds are North American creatures and do not exist in Europe. Celtic cultures do not possess a strong association with bluebirds in one way or another.

Do You Want To Attract More Bluebirds To Your Yard?

If So, Then You Should Download Our FREE How To Build A Bluebird Feeder DIY Plan! With Step-By-Step Guides, You’ll Have This Feeder Built In No Time. Click The Button Below To Learn More!

What Does It Mean Spiritually When You See A Bluebird?

Bluebirds are considered excellent spirit animals for many reasons. But in particular, people around the world respect the bluebird as a spirit animal because it possesses so many incredible characteristics. In fact, some of the biggest and best characteristics of the bluebird include:

  • Trust
  • Peacefulness
  • Confidence
  • Depth
  • Sincerity
  • Wisdom
  • Loyalty
  • Faith

In fact, most cultures are enamored with the bluebird because the color blue is considered very peaceful. This bird will easily keep negative energy at bay.

Are you a peacemaker? Do you like to bring warring factions together? You could be excellent at refereeing verbal sparring matches between your brothers and sisters. Or maybe you tend to diffuse fights with your children or spouse.

In any case, people consider bluebirds their spirit animal RP smackers are peacemakers at heart. They are born to keep the peace.

The other spiritual meaning of the bluebird spirit animal is happiness and joy. If you have a bluebird spirit animal, your calling is to deliver joy and bring peace to as many people as you possibly can.

First responders, artists, actors, and comedians all associate with the bluebird spirit animal. Anyone who helps bring joy to other people should consider the bluebird as their spirit animal.

What Does It Mean When You See A Bluebird In Your Dreams?

Have you ever dreamed of bluebirds? This experience is often touching, hopeful, and impactful on a person’s life. The context of the dream definitely plays a role, but having dreams of bluebirds is typically positive. It usually symbolizes that the dreamer has a bright future ahead of them.

According to, “When you have a bluebird dream, it is a sign that your struggles will soon end. If an issue has brought you great unrest, this dream tells you not to bother about it anymore because the problem is fading away. Additionally, to see a bluebird flying in the vision reminds you to spread happiness.”

Possible bluebird dreams and their meanings include:

  1. A Bluebird Feeding on a Worm – this dream has a positive interpretation, to say the least. It means that it’s a sign that in your professional life, you are about to experience major success.
  2. A Single Bluebird Feather – a person is dreaming about a single bluebird feather isn’t a good sign. This is especially true if you cannot find the bluebird that it belongs to in your dreams. The stream is a warning telling you not to ignore your wealth. You could potentially lose a substantial amount of money in the very near future.
  3. Talking to a Bluebird – talking to a bluebird in your dream definitely has its symbolism. In fact, it is a symbolic expression of loneliness. This dream is an indication that a major relationship in your life may have recently come to an end. The dream itself symbolizes a void in your life.
  4. A Sleeping Bluebird – dreaming about a sleeping bluebird means that you regularly compare yourself to others. This isn’t a good habit because it, unfortunately, undermines your self-confidence. This dream is telling you not to be too hard on yourself.
  5. A Bluebird Flock – recognizing a flock of bluebirds within your dreams is an indication that there’s a way to bring your entire family together. Maybe it’s already happening because of a family wedding or some other important family event. Flying together with a flock of bluebirds signifies that you’ll enjoy this family gathering.
  6. A Dead Bluebird – in your dreams, it’s never great to encounter a dead bluebird. Unfortunately, the negative interpretation of this type of dream usually means that a bad thing is about to happen. It means that the dreamer is about to lose a piece of their innocence as well because of this unfortunate event that will take place.

Ultimately, dreaming about bluebirds is definitely a good thing. Not only does it signify that your troubles are about to become a thing of the past, but it also reminds us that we have a bright future ahead of us. So, remain hopeful, loving, and excited about life.

Related article: Eastern Bluebird: Bird Identification, Habits, Facts, Nesting

two bluebirds sitting on wooden posts looking at each other

Bluebird Totem Animal

World Birds tells us that “the bluebird totem animal is deeply connected to the home and family. To the bluebird totem animal, the nest is a sacred space that should be protected. The nest of the bluebird totem is a space that is welcoming, comfortable, and warm.

It’s also important to note that this totem animal will become a part of your life during a major time of sacrifice. At some point in our lives, we are expected or asked to sacrifice everything joyous in our lives in an effort to achieve something great.

This totem animal wants you to know that achieving a great milestone or goal isn’t everything. It wants you to know that focusing on greatness is too high a price to pay. It wants you to know that you should never sacrifice your happiness.

Working hard and making sacrifices is supposed to bring us joy, right? Well sacrificing all of your joy and happiness to achieve a goal is counterproductive, and the bluebird totem animal wants us to know this fact.

The bluebird totem will find you and share a warning if you are wealthy but hoard your wealth instead of graciously sharing it with friends and family in need. It’s a warning and a reminder to share your wealth and prosperity with others because wealth will come back to you tenfold because of your generosity.

Are you ever blind to the feelings of others? Your bluebird totem animal will visit you to let you know that someone is admiring you from afar. This person might be very nervous and scared to approach you. Your bluebird totem will help you understand their feelings so that you’re no longer oblivious to their affections.

bluebird perched on wooden post surrounded by purple flowers

Bluebird Spirit Animal In The Indigenous Peoples’ Culture

Amongst Native American cultures, the symbolism surrounding the bluebird is vastly different amongst a number of different tribes. Although, the overall symbol of the bluebird is filled with positivity and light amongst the Native American tribes who revere this beautiful creature.

The following tribes have varying symbolic beliefs about the bluebird:

  • Iroquois Tribe – the Iroquois creation myth tells us that the bluebird drives away Tawiscaron from the cold and wintry weather each spring.
  • Navajo Tribe – the folklore of the Navajo tribe associates the bluebird with the morning and the sun. During ceremonies, they’ll sometimes sing a song that includes lyrics connecting the break of day and bluebirds together.
  • Pima People – the Pima people have connected the bluebird to humility and transformation. A Pima legend tells us that the bluebird’s color was once very dull. But it sang a song next to a deep blue lake every day for four days and shed its feathers and replaced them with bright blue ones that grew in their place.
  • Cochiti Tribe – the people of the Cochiti tribe believe that the sun fathered two boys named Bluebird and Turquoise. When they were big enough, their father eventually taught them how to brighten the morning sky.
  • Ojibwe People – these people consider the bluebird the inventor of the rainbow.
adult bluebird feeding a baby


When all is said and done, it’s important to know that the trustee and hopeful bluebird is a spiritually relevant creature. Some bluebird facts to reiterate before we go include:

  • Indigenous people consider bluebirds to be transformative, possess humility, inventors of the rainbow, bright owners of the morning sky, and birds that drive away the winter he cold weather to usher in a brand-new spring.
  • Bluebird totem animals possess many beautiful qualities. They help us recognize other people’s feelings, warn us when we are stingy, remind us that we shouldn’t ever sacrifice our happiness to achieve goals or greatness, and they bring us lots of joy and happiness.
  • Seeing bluebird spirit animals in our dreams means many things. It could mean losing our innocence, not being too hard on ourselves, a symbol of loneliness, that success at work is coming near, and that we are about to come into a substantial amount of money.
  • Bluebirds also have significance in Christianity, Korea, and China. The Celtic religions in Europe do not have any spiritual ties to bluebirds since they aren’t present throughout Europe. 
  • Bluebirds are excellent spirit animals because they are peaceful, peacemakers, honest, trusting, confident, possess wisdom, remind us to have faith and many other excellent qualities that I shared above.\

Thank you for taking this time to learn about the spiritual and symbolic aspects of bluebirds. If you have anything else that you’d like us to share, please feel free to mention it in the comments, and will add it for you.

Thanks for stopping by!

from Bird Informer

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Elf Owl: Bird Identification, Habits, Facts, Nesting

The elf owl is a member of the owl family Strigidae with many different nicknames. It’s also known as Sanford’s elf owl, Texas elf owl, and Whitney’s elf owl.

In North America, two of the four recognized elf owl species are located and live here. The Texas elf owl resides in southern Texas, which shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone based on its name. You’ll find it along the southern tip of Texas all the way into central Mexico.

The Whitney’s elf owl is known to breed throughout the Southwest United States, but it also migrates for the winter into the south in Mexico.

Besides these critical facts, I’ll tell you other information about this interesting owl and share it with you today. The topics I’ll cover include:

  • Identifying qualities of the elf owl
  • Fun and interesting elf owl facts
  • Elf owl characteristic differences between females and males
  • Migratory habits, feeding habits, dietary preferences, nesting behaviors
  • Additional elf owl facts and information

To learn more interesting facts and information about elf owls, please continue reading.

Elf Owl Bird Facts

  • Common Name: Elf Owl
  • Scientific Name: Micrathene whitneyi
  • Scientific Family: Strigidae
  • Life Span: 3-6 years
  • Size: 5.0 to 5.75 inches
  • Wingspan: 13.5 to 16.5 inches
  • Weight: 1.0 to 1.5 oz
  • Conservation status: Least Concern

How To Identify An Elf Owl

one way to identify an elf owl is by their lack of ear tufts. They do not have any pointy feathers sticking out of the top of their round heads. They have grayish brown feathers, and pale yellow eyes, and their eyes have thin white eyebrows highlighting them. Their bill has a horn-colored tip and it’s mostly gray.

Differences Between Male & Female

There is really only one major difference between male and female elf owls. Their look is practically identical. But they definitely differ in size. On average, a female elf owl is typically 3%-6% heavier than her male counterpart. She also has a larger wingspan.

Differences In Summer Plumage vs Winter Plumage

The color of elf owl plumage remains the same whether it’s summer, winter, spring, or fall. It does not change with the seasons.

elf owl

Where You’ll See Elf Owls

Elf owls have a presence in the United States of America as well as central Mexico. In the US, these owls like to spend their time in desert cactus habitats and woodlands in the southwestern part of Texas. They also make their home in southern Arizona and New Mexico as well, because they like the hot desert climate. Besides these places, you can also find them in Central Mexico and Baja California.

Elf Owl Migration Patterns

These owls will migrate to the southwestern part of the United States of America in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and California. They specifically Margarita these areas in the spring and summer months for breeding purposes. In the winter, they will actually leave the area and spend the colder winter months in central and southern Mexico, but they begin heading up north once again in mid-April or early May.

Diet and Feeding Preferences

The elf owl is very similar to other owls because it is a nocturnal predator. The diet of the elf owl is mostly made up of insects including grasshoppers and scorpions. They are also carnivores and they will eat small lizards, mice, and other mammals or small creatures. They are even known for eating crickets, moths, and beetles in the desert regions of Arizona.

Elf Owl Nesting Facts

  • Clutch Size: 1-5 eggs
  • # of Broods: 1 brood
  • Incubation Period: 24 days
  • Nestling period: 28-33 days
  • Egg Description: White

Elf owls prefer to nest or abandoned woodpecker holes and natural tree cavities found in sycamores, Oak trees, and giant cacti. More often than not, these nests are anywhere from 15-35 feet off the ground.

Elf owls will even tolerate nesting boxes in neighborhoods that are filled with plenty of trees. So, if you’re looking to attract an elf owl, you may choose to put up a nesting box in your backyard.

Elf Owl Behavior

  • When this owl is captured, this tiny little bird will actually play dead. It will act like it is dead until it is no longer in danger.
  • This creature is not a very aggressive bird. In fact, instead of getting into a fight, the bird will take a nonaggressive action and actually fly away from the potential danger. This is likely because it’s one of the smallest owls in the world.
  • This owl mainly consists of nocturnal insects, which are very difficult to find in desert regions because it gets too cold at certain times of the year. That’s why this owl tends to migrate during the winter months and it will spend time in the southern part of Mexico where it is much warmer.
  • As a nocturnal creature, the majority of the activity that this owl enters into will take place prior to dawn or immediately at dusk.
  • When this tiny owl moves, it does so by hopping and walking. It also has the ability to climb, which is very similar to a parrot. But it doesn’t spend too much time flying.
  • During the hunt, this creature will strike its prey in a straight line. When flying between perches, they do so in a U-shaped arc, but they actually prefer to harbor and glide during flight.
  • Not every population of this owl is migratory. There are sedentary populations that remain in the same place, which is typically a warmer climate like Mexico.

Tips for Birdwatchers On How To Attract Elf Owls

It’s definitely possible to attract this creature to your backyard. Some tips to consider include the following options:

  • Place a nesting box in your backyard. This is going to be very effective if you happen to live in a place with lots of trees or a densely wooded area. They like to live in tree cavities, but they will also move into a nesting box when it’s available.
  • Avoid mowing your lawn as often as you possibly can. This makes it possible for small insects, rodents, reptiles, and other tiny mammals to have places to hide in your backyard. They need this prey readily available to have something to feed on.
  • Consider adding a birdbath to your backyard. Leaving an available water source on hand for them makes it easy for them to have a place to bathe and a proper place on hand to bathe and clean their young ones and mate.
  • Do not trim your tree branches unless it’s absolutely necessary. Leaving tree branches available for elf owls to perch on will certainly attract them to your backyard.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of this owl is considered Least Concern. What does this mean? It means this minuscule owl isn’t in immediate danger of becoming extinct.

Although the habitats for them have declined throughout the year due to agricultural and home development. So, in certain places like California, because of deforestation, these owls are actually considered endangered. But overall throughout the other parts of the southern United States and Mexico, there are still enough elf owls in existence that it hasn’t officially been declared an endangered species at this time.

Fun & Interesting Facts

  • Out of every owl in existence today, they are considered the smallest in the world.
  • Out of every owl in existence today, the elf owl is considered the lightest in the world.
  • When the elf owl is captured or handled by human beings, it will actually play dead and remain in this state until the human being or predator relaxes its grip and gives the elf owl the opportunity to escape.
  • If the elf owl were ever to be disturbed, it would produce a noise that sounded like “chee-ur.” This is a loud and relatively annoying screech-like sound that will potentially scare away the disturbance. They also tend to clap their bills together when they are disturbed.
  • Believe it or not, elf owls do not have to drink water in order to remain hydrated. Their diet actually provides them with ample amounts of water to keep this small and minuscule creature properly hydrated.
  • Elf owls are known for recycling woodpecker holes. In fact, moving into old woodpecker holes is their favorite nesting spot. They typically find these woodpecker holes in oak trees, sycamore trees, mesquite shrubs, or Saguaro cacti. They’ll usually pick a nesting box or a hole in a telephone pole if a woodpecker hole isn’t available.

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